Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Education: My Part in its Downfall

Please use the comments section on this post to let me know of any grammatical errors or spelling mistakes in the new book, so that I can fix them. One of the major advantages with e-books is that they can be updated within 24 hours, rather than having to do a whole new print run as you would with a paper book.

Oh and anyone who thinks that I am simply asking you all to be unpaid editors and proof readers, is of course correct.


Hideki said...

Why should I be taking the time to report errors with your new book when you couldn't even be bothered to answer the couple of questions I had after buying the first one?

These things go both ways...

Kimpatsu said...

Frank, I was about 40 pages in and I gave up. The punctuation is horrendous, missing full stops and (my personal bugbear) apostrophe abuse.
Send the manuscript to me and I'll proofread it for free. Just don't expect me to be kind about the contents.

Mrs Chalk said...

Are you taking the piss? If your spelling and grammar are so bad, what use are you as a teacher?