Whilst this might seem a bit rich from someone with no work experience outside journalism who writes a column each week about topics that were unlikely to have been covered in his Social Psychology degree, I don't blame Rod for launching an attack. He knows perfectly well that the mainstream press faces an ever growing problem, which is that the public now have a choice. They can read for free about the lunacy in for example, local councils, the justice system, the police, education or the NHS from people who actually know what they are talking about because they have worked for many years in these institutions, or alternatively they can pay to read a journalist's opinion on a topic they have no experience or understanding of.
Mind you, at least they know how to neatly finish off an article.
'Rod Liddle described bloggers as "that vast network of talentless and embittered individuals tapping away at their keyboards in the intellectual vacuum of cyberspace." '
Pot, kettle, black.
Bloggers can say all the things hacks would like to say but would be sued for.
Bitterness is such an unattractive trait.
I stopped buying newspapers years before I had even heard about the internet never mind bloggers.
I went on reading papers that people had left behind on trains etc, but these days I don't even do that.
John Gibson
I know a couple of people who see Liddle writing his articles in the pub.
The qualty of his output would suggest it is a regular occurrence
As said - Liddle is worried about his own 'trade' and position. We no longer have to rely on Rod and his vaccuous friends to find out what is happening around the world. We can form our own opinions based around the evidience we find as opposed to the particular (and often peculiar) opinions of writers (I use the term loosely) like Rod ! the Bloggosphere is full of talent and his type of talentless opinionated drivel is no longer (I never did) worth paying for. Such will Murdoch find with his paywalls !
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