Wednesday, July 07, 2010

Raoul Moat

Loondog Raoul Moat (even his first name sounds like the cry of a werewolf) has declared war on the police (well, those who are unable to defend themselves anyway- not the ones carrying submachine guns). I was scared witless when I turned on the news to see the lady with the funny hair from Northumberland Police. (See Inspector Gadget's blog for a picture and lots of comment about arming the police)

Which halfwit thought that letting him out was a good idea? (I'm talking about Raoul, not Sue Sim)


Anonymous said...

One problem: if you kept every loondog who threatened to kill a copper in prison for life, we'd need to convert the entire county of Essex into jail space and the basic rate of income tax to pay for their lodgings would be 75%, payable by the dozen or so of us not in prison. It is surprisingly hard to predict which of them are all talk and which very, very few will follow through.

Dack said...

'Tasers for teachers!' (That could catch on I reckon).

AnnoyedOnATrain said...

But, they were concerned enough for the prison service to inform the police that he was a credible threat.

Now either this was arse covering in the extreme, or they let him out knowing he was still dangerous.

If it's the former, it's mildly contemtible (sp?).

If it's the latter, then I hope someone is on the hook for letting him out.

Anonymous said...

Crazy name, crazy guy.

Anonymous said...


The Prison Service tells us that every other prisoner they release is dangerous or has a likelihood of re-offending....I don't think they get an option to keep him for his full sentence (if they do it's very rarely applied)....and this warning (if there was one) is just one more fart in the hurricane.

English Pensioner said...

I'd like a gun. If an ex-prisoner can manage to get hold of one within a few hours of getting out of prison, why can't I have one?
And if the supplier is found, surely he should be charged as an accessory to murder.

Julie Morgan said...

They have spent so much money chasing him.

Lilyofthefield said...

And now they're wasting a bit more "negotiating" with him. Negotiating what? What he'd like in his sandwich? How about "Put the gun down and walk slowly towards us on the count of 3 or our highly-trained marksmen will blow you into sections."

gambozoot said...

From what I've read so far about Raoul moat there are two lessons to learn from this. Don't take Steroids, and don't blame others for bad things happening to us, both can send you crazy enough to kill. Despite what Moat has been through he made his own choices in life that he and only he is responsible for. He also could have made the choice to get help for his problems long before things got out of hand. Unfortunately he made poor choices and became a complete threat to public safety and reaped the consequences of those choices.