Wednesday, December 07, 2011

Internal Email

Thierry Breton who is boss of the large European IT company Atos, announced earlier this year that he planned to stop using internal emails in his company.

He realised that the young people he was recruiting had moved on to using social networking sites and instant messaging. When asked, they thought that only 15% of the email they received was of any use, but had to check it all for fear of missing something.

I think he's on to something here. Email has become a monster, enabling people to bombard you with rubbish that is rarely of relevance. Too often it is a replacement for action, where sending someone an email is considered a solution in itself, rather than actually fixing a problem. It is a permanent record and easily forwarded to others, so you have to watch what you say, which for people like me is a nightmare.

It will be very interesting to see what system they come up with to use instead.


Alistair said...

"Too often it is a replacement for action, where sending someone an email is considered a solution in itself, rather than actually fixing a problem."

This is very true. I've lost count of the number of times people have said "I'll send x an E-mail" or "I'll send an E-mail" where one would have normally expected to hear a solution to the problem.

markjacktechnicalsupport said...

Very informative & helpful.
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