Friday, March 18, 2011

Now and Then

So we've got a mad dictator, who is happy to kill thousands of his own people without a second thought and some brave citizens trying to get rid of him. We have decided to help them out...

Anyway enough about Saddam Hussein in 2003; how come all the fashionable people aren't marching up and down the streets of London chanting anti war slogans now?


Boy on a bike said...

Down our way, some of them are. Idiots.

Hideki said...

Because it's not a war based on a lie?

(although I didn't march in 2003, just wrote to my MP for what good that did)

Anonymous said...

War mongering does not achieve, regrettable we brown nosed both dictators while it suited us.

TonyF said...

You had me worried there, I thought that Blair was back for a moment....

Lilyofthefield said...

Some Libyan citizens would like him to stay. Don't they get a choice?

I'd rather spend our money and consign hundreds of our servicemen to the bin toppling Mugabe.

Anonymous said...

This is a bloke with tanks and artillery - not a few peasants with rifles. You might lose.

Anonymous said...

Perhaps because, as far as we know at the moment, no-one in our government has lied to us about 'weapons of mass destruction'...

Anonymous said...

Iraq and Libya have something in common that Zimbabwee is unfortunately lacking.......OIL

Anonymous said...

got ignored last time, so why bother? No-one cares what anyone thinks anyway. Britain is a dictatorship. Could someone please invade and topple the government?

Anonymous said...

"Iraq and Libya have something in common that Zimbabwee is unfortunately lacking.......OIL"

The oil thing makes me laugh. I 'the West' wanted the oil that badly it could just take it, kill all the Arabs and have done with it. (It certainly could have done so back at the time of GW1, when the former USSR was screwed; maybe not so much now China has caught up a bit. But the point is made.)

Actually, we prefer to pay them billions of dollars a year for it, which seems pretty fair to me. (Wjat they spend the money on is not part of this equation.)

What we do want to ensure is continuity of supply, a proper system of exchange etc.

It seems to me that it would be wholly wrong for a Western government to ignore oil as a factor. Unless we want people starving/dying in hospitals etc here?

Zimbabwe - bad situation, but there are lots of bad situations and we simply cannot fix them all, much as we might like.

Lilyofthefield said...

I thought we were fighting all these Arab battles on principle - bringing our wonderful Western democracy to their poor backward superstitious dictatorships (whilst retaining the utmost repsect for their culture etc of course).
If it's principle that's the thing, surely we should be prepared to take Mugabe on? Or do we only have principles when the opposition is armed with sharpened mangoes?

sewa mobil said...

Nice article, thanks for the information.

Miss Phitt said...

Perhaps people have their own personal concerns now. 2003 we weren't in economic downturn. People are thinking of their own survival rather than abroad. Last Saturday people were protesting cuts made by the British government.