Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Haile Gebrselassie

As always, I'm a couple of days late with the news, but it's sad that I didn't notice the retirement of Haile Gebrselassie in the headlines. Not just for his 20 year career at the top of distance running where he won everything there was to win, but even more for his sportsmanship, respect for his rivals and being a thoroughly decent bloke. (His apology to Paul Tergat after shattering his record in the marathon sums him up)

Rather than spending his money on prostitutes, daft cars and cocaine, he has invested his energies in helping his home country of Ethiopia, setting up running clubs, schools and employing hundreds of locals in his clothing business. He must be one of the few sporting heroes that I've never heard anyone say a bad word about.

I won't mention the obvious sport that could benefit from having a few men like him.


Anonymous said...

How anyone can still be a football support i don't know.

Cheering for a specially selected bunch of spoilt, overindulged, immature, unsporting, ungrateful, selfish prima donas.

What is wrong with us?

Anonymous said...

Who's this "us"?

If you have a subscription to Sky Sports, or a season ticket at any premiership club, the pay and behaviour of footballers is your fault.

Anonymous said...

'us' is the general British public.

As was completely obvious from the context.