Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Ballet Teacher

Given the choice of being kidnapped by a bunch of Somali pirates or ballet teacher Sarah Pirie, I'm afraid I wouldn't be choosing a stay in East Africa's Riviera. The bloke that she is pictured with doesn't look very happy though.

Before anybody asks- if it was a male teacher with a 15 year old girl, then I wouldn't think it was funny at all. I have never denied being guilty of every -ism known to Man (sorry Person).


TonyF said...

I'm 15, Honest. The paper round has been a bit harsh though...

jut said...

Another female teacher receiving a slap on the wrist for fucking a student.
A man would be hung, drawn and quartered.

Anonymous said...

Lucky for one 15 year old boy.

Anonymous said...

When I was 15 and had been offered sex with her I would have thought all my birthdays and Xmas had come at once. No wonder he was reluctant to give evidence. It probably came to light becuase he was boasting about it to his mates ( think Inbetweeners!)

Anonymous said...


How has she received a slap on the wrist?

She hasn't been sentenced at all yet and has been told she could face a custodial, that doesn't sound like an impending slap on the wrist to me...