Friday, March 26, 2010

Boy not Stuck in Tree Shocker!

Well it looks like there's more to yesterday's story than meets the eye. The Head of Manor School has written a couple of letters to parents giving their side of the story (basically, nobody stuck in a tree and a loon on the premises.) Here's their school website

Whereas you might expect nothing less from me, it is a bit shocking that virtually every newspaper, even the ones who don't believe in crystal healing, flying saucers and horoscopes; simply printed the story without doing any checks whatsoever, as did Chris Evans and co. on the radio. Actually I suppose it's not really that surprising- it happens all the time.

Anyway, I apologise in advance for callously deceiving you all if the story turns out to be completely wrong. See how many of the newspapers and DJs do the same.

I hesitate to bring your attention to today's story about a school that faked the shooting of one of their staff to encourage children to take an interest in Forensic Science. With my luck, by tomorrow it will have been revealed that they really did shoot him...


Dack said...

In fairness the original Treegate article did include this :'Wiltshire council said the boy had climbed down on his own accord and was on the path when Miss Barrett approached him.' suggesting that not all may have been as claimed by the invading (potential) nutter.

I hope the other article is true though.

TonyF said...

And I thought I was mad...Can someone let me back into the asylum, they're all nutters out here....

Anonymous said...

... so another "Poliical correctness gone mad" gone mad story

there's a number of similar stories been around. What's of relevance is the fact that so many people (including myself) want to believe these stories, and are prepared to believe them. this says a lot about how people feel about the state in general.

john gibson said...

I am amazed that Beverley Martin has no letters after her name on the school website.

Anonymous said...

I agree with anonymous at 1930hrs. The point is that this sort of story is believable whereas pre-moon landing 1969 when I was a tree climbing primary school child - it would not have been believable. Also, we'd have managed to get down from the tree anyway because that was in the days before tree climbing had been replaced by play stations

Anonymous said...

An excellent example of the MSM losing its power. How long before the government has one of its 'crackdowns' on 'unauthorised' or 'unlicensed' websites? For the sake of the children, of course!

Pity about the quality of English in the letter though. If she'd shown it to a grown-up before transmission then she'd have scored an even higher mark.

Grumpy Ray.

Anonymous said...

has anyone re-interviewed Ms barrett?

AKM said...

That second story puts me in mind of this from the Daily Mash:

AKM said...

Actually a closer look at the Daily Mash shows that it was inspired by the same story from Evesham. Oh well still worth a read.