Thursday, July 18, 2013


I can't help but think that we're getting a bit carried away with this 'heatwave' stuff. It's only been two weeks after all and the Met Office is issuing 'Level Three Alerts' on the News, whatever they are.

Global Warming is to blame, just as it was responsible for the cool, wet and windy weather that preceded it, the cold dry winters and the warm wet winters as well.

I'm so glad I'm not Global Warming- it gets the blame for everything.


Kimpatsu said...

I do hope you're joking, Frank, and are not genuinely ignorant of the fact that global warming is CLIMATE, whereas heatwaves are WEATHER. The two are not the same.

Anonymous said...

In that case why were the warmists claiming snow would be a thing of the past by now? Surely snow is weather too.
I think it is the GW scammers who've used the weather to forward their unproven theories the most.
And I'm fed up with weather being hyped up whatever it does.

Anonymous said...

"In that case why were the warmists claiming snow would be a thing of the past by now?" They didn't "Surely snow is weather too." yes.
"I think it is the GW scammers who've used the weather to forward their unproven" [actually reasonably well proven) "theories the most.
And I'm fed up with weather being hyped up whatever it does." Agree!

Anonymous said...

Anonymous 10:18 - Er, yes they did claim snow would be a thing of the past:

Funnily enough, it mentions the University of East Anglia too- that of the faked evidence email scandal.

The effect of man-made CO2 is now being seriously questioned since Co2 levels are increasing but the earth's temperature has plateaued.

The whole carbon footprint debacle has been exaggerated simply as a tool for forcing the rest of us into fuel poverty.

Tim said...

It doesn't really matter in the long term - we are living in a short inter-glacial period between ice ages. Global warming will only postpone the next ice age a decade or two . . .

Sutton Tutor said...

Don't worry, snow will soon be on its way!