Monday, November 21, 2005

Writing Furiously

Sorry, I've taken all the postings down, but the editor has told me to get cracking on the book. I'll post occasional updates on my progress, but for now, thanks for reading and I'll leave you with the following.

If you are a humble classroom teacher, feeling unsupported by those above you then remember this. Yours is one of the three most important professions (along with the upkeep of law and order and the provision of medical care) so walk tall. Remember that you are a hero so act like one. You do a job that the vast majority of people could never cope with, so make today the day when you track down some little toerag who has been a pain in your lesson and teach them not to mess with you again.

If you are in the Senior Management Team then go and find a pupil who has been making some poor teacher’s life a misery and tear a strip off them, then make them beg that teacher to allow them to stay in their lesson. If you have the courage, phone up the kid's parents and tell them to teach their brat some manners. The teacher will appreciate what you have done.

If you are the Head then stop what you are doing right now and go and expel your worst pupil. If you can't dream up a good excuse then what on Earth are you doing leading a school. Then tell all the staff what you have done. They will respect you and support you in return.

So good luck to you all and by the way, don’t forget that you can pay for my book simply by selling the next mobile phone or baseball cap you confiscate on ebay

All the best!
Mr. Chalk


Anonymous said...

I like the sound of this book. Where can I see some more of it?

Anonymous said...

This is worth pinning up on our wall, I think!

Anonymous said...

The blog was absolutely brilliant and really touched a nerve. Well done on getting published!

Anonymous said...

What a great post_ can't you keep the blog going occasionally?

Anonymous said...

I might suggest the idea of selling all the confiscated stuff to raise money for our new minibus. No hang on, we never manage to confiscate anything for more than five minutes before some furious fishwife turns up to school to demand her little darling's possession back immediately

Anonymous said...

Are you mad? Expecting the SMT to actually take some action. Why they've got too many meetings to attend for any of that 'doing stuff'nonsense. Get real man!

Anonymous said...

I am definately going to track down a certain little toerag tomorrow. If we all did the same, it would make such a difference.

Anonymous said...

Not all Heads are spineless. Ours expelled a kid the other week. Mind you we had begging him to do so for three years! There's talk of holding a party this weekend to celebrate!

Anonymous said...

It's so true_we could get on perfectly well without hedge fund managers, bankers and accountants, but see how long society would last without Coppers, Doctors and Teachers.

All the best with the book!

Anonymous said...

The blog was bloody brilliant! We used to print some of the posts out and stick them up in the staffroom. Can't you put it back on again?

Anonymous said...

We were fans of your blog too here in Guildford. I thought you had removed it because you had been found out?

Anonymous said...

I love that post, it's so true. What percentage of the public could put up with the sh** we have to deal with on a regular basis.

I am walking taller already.