Saturday, December 02, 2006

Dec 2nd Result

Dec 2nd Result: A Turkey (No winners)

The BBC reported today that shops up and down the Country were selling out of Advent calendars as shrewd shoppers attempted to track down Mr Chalk's. Till worker Debbie from Koshushko's Department store, Downtown spoke to our reporter after a hectic day:

"People were just buying the calendars, ripping them open and throwing them away when they saw what was behind the first door"

A plea to all readers: don't let the excitement go to your heads. Don't do anything irresponsible that you might regret in the future. Remember, it's only a game.

ps 62 signatures on our petition in the first 24 hours


Magwitch said...

Glad to hear that Mr Koshushko's convenience store is doing so well that he can open a department store downtown. No doubt he's importing all his advent calenders (probably left over from last year) from Eastern Europe along with his high-strength lager and spirits. Is he offering you a back-hander for starting this little scam to increase his sales?

alanorei said...

I have just signed the petition.

Readers may be interested in the following statement from a recognised political party. It may be the only one of its kind.

"EDUCATION - discipline, standards, achievement!

"We are against the 'trendy' teaching methods that have made Britain one of the most poorly educated nations in Europe. We will end the practice of politically correct indoctrination in all its guises and we will restore discipline in the classroom, give authority back to teachers and put far greater emphasis on training young people in the industrial and technological skills necessary in the modern world. We will also seek to instill in our young people knowledge of and pride in the history, cultures and heritage of the native peoples of Britain."

I believe they care about teachers, pupils, schools and standards. None of the other politicians do - except in regard to their own offspring and then only in terms of getting value for money. I really believe most of our politicians are that callous.

Anonymous said...

1. Petition signed.
2. A Robin (feathered , not Reliant).

Anonymous said...

What you need now is a piece of html code with suitable image that people can cut and paste into their side bars as a link to the sign petition page, similar sort of thing as the picture of your book links to Amazon.

I did one with the crown logo from the petition site with Petiton written below the logo instead of 10 Downing Street and the image hosted on my web site so as people don't have to copy and paste the image to their blogs but I couldn't work out how you post the code into someone elses blog as an entry for others to use.

Anyone out there know how to do this so as you can have an image link for people to use on their web sites and in their blogs to spread the word of the Petition.

Anonymous said...

alanorei said...
"I have just signed the petition.

Readers may be interested in the following statement from a recognised political party. It may be the only one of its kind."

Ah yes, the BNP. A bunch of rascist tw*ts - we'll be going for that then.

Anonymous said...

Logo Link

alanorei said...

Peter said:

"Ah yes, the BNP. A bunch of rascist tw*ts - we'll be going for that then."

So, what is the viable political alternative - given that you don't dispute the remarks on the mainstream parties?

Anonymous said...

Have you considered asking the GTCE to sign?