Wednesday, January 24, 2007

'Mrs Poppleton vs The Kids' Round 2, Seconds away!

Well at least the kids have got the apostrophe on their banner in the right place, which puts them above 90% of the population. (including me, as certain readers have noted.) Maybe their English teacher wasn't on supply.

The parents claim that Mrs Poppleton doesn't listen to them or the kids. That gets her some credit in my view.

The kids claim that 72% of lessons are taken by Supply Teachers. (Mind you if they can do percentages maybe the Maths teacher is regular as well.)

Everybody claims that the argument is nothing to do with body piercings.

By the way, if you have any contact with this school can you drop me an email at the address on the right sidebar. Thanks


Anonymous said...

Have you read that in tes that in Birmingham they are going to have what is known as the evening bus which is where kids who can't get to school for 9am can go and get lessons outside normal school hours. There is also a school near to me which is leading research suggesting that children aren't lazy but science proves that they cannot function before around 11am and that schools should be moving to accommodate this. What a load of bollocks!

Anonymous said...

I'm a pretty slow starter myself in the morning. Perhaps my employer would like bus me in at public expense round about 11 a.m.? Or maybe a bit later if I've been up late the night before.

Anonymous said...

The parents claim that Mrs Poppleton doesn't listen to them or the kids. That gets her some credit in my view.

That says a lot about your classroom demeanour, my good man, and none of it good.

Anonymous said...

In fairness, james, management's role is to manage, not to be constantly stroking the egos of those whose job it isn't.

Anonymous said...

'The parents claim that Mrs Poppleton doesn't listen to them or the kids. That gets her some credit in my view'

Bloody wise words Frank. I wish to God that our head would follow her example and stop backing down every time a parent objects to their kid attending school detention, or when they phone up threatening legal action or even as one did last week, turn up with some spotty 'no win no fee' lawyer.

As for listening to the kids, that really is a recipie for chaos. Why have so many Heads forgotten that they're supposed to lead rather than pander?

Anonymous said...

Lilyofthefield: Maybe so, but there's a difference between having no time for spurious complaints of that sort and treating your students as mindless sheep. It's unwise to conjecture without all the facts, and having never experienced one of Mrs Poppleton's lessons I can't really be sure, but I doubt anyone's going to come out of it with much credit.