Thursday, January 08, 2009

Milk and Alcohol

I thought teenagers turned to alcohol and drugs because they are good fun and very cheap and there is no incentive not to. Little did I realise that it's all down to stress at school.

Whoever did this survey has forgotten one of the most basic rules of being a teenager, which is:

The answer you give to an adult must reflect the image you wish to portray rather than have any telationship to the truth


Boy on a bike said...

Fun, and it helps you to get laid.

Hungry Hippo said...

Now they should do the same survey on teachers. The results might be interesting.

Anonymous said...

Whisky mixes nicely with milk!

Anonymous said...

Yes, it certainly helped my kids to relax when they were babies.

Anonymous said...

Kids of that age shouldn't know what stress is and if they honestly are having to cope with stress, which I suspect quite a number are what with the never ending exams and copius amounts of coursework and what-have-you, then something in our society has gone very wrong somewhere. Whatever happened to just letting kids be kids? We have given them far too many adult rights and privileges and then we wonder why they start to behave they way they do. It's a disgrace. This country should be ashamed of itself.

Anonymous said...

I think the teenage years are incredibly stressful, and I've often wondered why exams important to their futures should have been scheduled to land right in the middle of it. However the stress should be about spots, fat thighs, my willy is smaller than Joe "Horse" Smith's, do I look stupid in this, looking cool and fitting in. That's plenty enough to be going on with.

Anonymous said...

I would like to see how Dr Pamela Taylor phrased her questions and how she described her project when recruiting her subjects. My bet would be that both were designed to get the result she reports so as to identify a " problem " which in turn would justify her getting additional funding to investigate a solution.

As a teenager I smoked because it was cool and trendy, I took to alcohol because it felt good and because it was illegal ( I tried drugs but didn't like them ).

Bridge said...

Eh, what? I thought Christine Gilbert said we were all boring and unintersting, which is why kids didn't do the work they now claim is stressing them out.

Whatever next - will the ghost of Lee Harvey Oswald accuse teachers of setting so much coursework that he felt he had to shoot the president to get his point across?

It's funny, the GTC seem to think we're leading the kids astray by going out drinking, yet the kids think it's the amount of work they're expected to do that drives them to drink. The work we set is in accordance with the requirements of the national curriculum, and has been deemed suitable for children of that age.

Why is nobody shining the spotlight of suspicion on the shopkeepers and publicans selling kids booze, the parents who let their kids out at all hours and say nothing when they come home drunk, or the kids who are so stressed out by their workload that they leave it at home to go on an all-night bender?

My bottom is getting nervous again, with all these anti-teacher headlines in the press, I fear we're going to get shafted again, and soon.

Anonymous said...

ha-ha..stress at those dumbed - down "exams"???
Just write your name and get a pass . Where's the stress in that!!!

Anonymous said...

Dark Heart: The Shocking Truth About Hidden Britain by Nick Davies explains why so many children do nothing at school apart from be violently disruptive. It is terrifying and extremely sobering and I think the teachers on Frank's site should reading it, because until you've read this, you don't know the half of it. And it tells you exactly why children are stressed.

Anonymous said...

The answer you give to an adult must reflect the image you wish to portray rather than have any relationship to the truth

That would include the answer given to almost any human being never mind adults.