If you live in London and are involved in the teaching of what was once Science, then you might be interested in a meeting on Thursday 5th July at 7 pm in the Plumbers Arms, 14 Lower Belgrave St. near Victoria Tube station. It's purpose is to try and come up with some plans to fight the dumbing down of the subject, which has pretty much turned it from a difficult, rigorous fact based subject requiring mathematical skills into a politicised and knowledge-free debate on nuclear powered, global warming Ozone chemicals innit.
It's organised by David Perks, author of "What is Science Education For?" and contributor to "The Corruption of the Curriculum". Needless to say, I haven't read either book, but go along for a beer anyway.
I will attend this meeting and close it down using some spurious new government anti-terror law. Surely there is a ban on "difficult" people meeting and talking about sensible issues?If there isn't, there soon will be.
I'll most probably be popping down to have a nosey, I'm currently plodding through 'The Corruption of the Curriculum' (of course I skipped to the science section) and it shall be interesting to meet david
If you make it more difficult, even less people will do it.
Their is no real economic reason why anyone would do physics, since what high paid/high barrier to entry, jobs are there?
I know physics graduates who make far more as electricians/plumbers and accountants than they ever made doing engineering/research.
You need to create a demand for people with physics qualifications, before you can even think about making it harder.
hey, science is not an easy subject but dumbing it down into 'scientific media studies' and cutting out correct teaching of the scientific method is not the way forward.
Ahhh the Revolutionary Communist Part strike again. This book is just the latest attempt by Spiked/IoI to influence matters. By all means go but just maintain an open mind and understand that Spiked/IoI are a very odd bunch of ultra-libertarian global warming deniers who frequently mischaracterise science to suit their political purpose.
anon- what the hell are you on about? care to provide a source on your Spiked/IoI link? or are you just trolling?
"What is science education for?" is an IoI publication.
The book is edited by IoI's science director Tony Gilland who views global warming concerns and the IPCC as a scaremongering political construct.
I assure you I'm no troll.
That last link should be http://www.spiked-online.com/index.php?/site/article/3540
bugger, sorry
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