My suggestion for what to do with this wretch is pretty simple as you might expect. Send him out to Afghanistan or Iraq. Not, I hasten to add to burden the Army or the Marines, but simply deported, so he can't bother us any more. We have been far far too lenient with this type of feckless, weak willed individual who is absolutely no use to our country whatsoever.
Hang on a minute though... What's that kid behind him doing?
I just spat my coffee all over my computer, Frank.
Good one, you got me!
Ahaa - I saw that one coming!
It's a pity Mr Cameron didn't, though!!
Ahaa - I saw that one coming!
It's a pity Mr Cameron didn't, though!!
very good frank, pmsl as they say
what's a deportures gate though? am i missing something or is it just a literal?
DC is meant to be a cloned Tone - Tweedledum versus Tweedledee, so that our future general election results become like tossing the proverbial two-headed penny, or in the words of the late Stanley Holloway in one of his monologues, "The issue 'twere never in doubt."
i.e. the disintegration of Britain will continue unchecked. That is the over-arching agenda, dictated by Brussels.
Re: sending Dave C. (Cameron, not Copperfield) into a war zone, what happens if you suggest the equivalent to members of an SMT, i.e. "Will you please take my class for a few lessons and show me how it should be done, while I monitor you?"
What sort of a reaction are you likely to get?
P.S. This is also good.
im not surprised, the boy is just saying hello.
please some bring back the cane!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! im setting a website up about it. (ps im younger than 18 years old)
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